# AutoLoop Integration - Quick Start

# Inherit from AutoLoopCompatible.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

import "@luckymachines/autoloop/contracts/AutoLoopCompatible.sol";

contract NumberGoUp is AutoLoopCompatible {
    // ... contract code

# Add required methods

function shouldProgressLoop()
    returns (bool loopIsReady, bytes memory progressWithData)
    loopIsReady = (block.timestamp - lastTimeStamp) > interval;
    // pass a loop ID to avoid running the same update twice
    progressWithData = bytes(abi.encode(_loopID));

function progressLoop(bytes calldata progressWithData) external {
    // decode the data sent from shouldProgressLoop()
    uint256 loopID = abi.decode(progressWithData, (uint256));

    // re-check logic
    if ((block.timestamp - lastTimeStamp) > interval && loopID == _loopID) {

# Register AutoLoop compatible contract

Open the AutoLoop Dashboard:

# Connect your wallet

# Select Register Contract

# Choose Settings and Funding Amount

# Register Contract

# Manage Registered Contracts

Click on contract address to manage
Click on contract address to manage